
You are on the official home page for Key-Value-Hierarchy (KVH) format project.
Here you will find the format description, parser examples and, may be in future,
examples of real word applications using this format.

Last updated: 17 March 2004.


This project was started as a light weight alternative to a well known and well spread eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML). XML is very flexible and universal but sometimes, it is just too heavy to be incorporated in a light weight project. KVH format is designed for inter application exchanges. Applications are supposed to be written in various languages and running on various platforms.

KVH in a nutshell

This format uses three and only three reserved characters : '\t' (tabulation), '\n' (new line) and '\\' (backslash).
Using KVH, you can elaborate a hierarchy of named parameters suitable for your application and easily write a parser for information exchanges. For more detailed description of KVH format click here.

KVH advantages

KVH limitations


  1. running examples : output of php parser, Tree viewer (needs a Java enabled navigator and javascript activated).
  2. kvh files : hello.kvh (traditional "hello world" example), hello_salut.kvh ("hello world" translated in french), specials.kvh (some special cases which can occur in kvh file.);
  3. sources of toy parsers : in php, in C, in Java (applet) ;


You may send your constructive critics and suggestions to the author Serguei Sokol (ssokol-AT-chez.com) till the end of 2004.

Copyright 2004, Serguei Sokol (ssokol-AT-chez.com).
You may copy and distribute this document under GNU Free Documentation License.